Mexico City, July 14th, 2022.
Almost a year and a half after the incorporation of the teleworking provisions to the Federal Labor Law, cybersecurity, use of technological devices, work tools, among others, are still poorly covered by our existing national legislation. While teleworking has become indispensable in today's working world, it is also a fact that new challenges and technological vulnerabilities have emerged.
In response to this uncertainty, the Ministry of Communications and Transportation issued the "Cybersecurity Guide for the use of telecommunications and devices while teleworking".
This guide arose mainly due to the increase of telework derived from the health emergency generated by Covid-19, in addition to the need to provide recommendations to help protect the privacy and personal data of individuals. In this sense, it seeks to reduce cyber-attacks and information theft, while raising awareness among employees about the potential risk to which they are exposed with the use of digital tools.
The guide begins by identifying the most common cyber threats, such as phishing (theft of passwords or sensitive information by e-mail), smishing (sending a text message requesting to call a phone number or go to a website) and vishing (scam by a phone call requesting personal information). Subsequently, general recommendations are set out, as well as more specific recommendations if the employee uses personal devices to carry out his or her functions.
Thus, the Ministry covers aspects related to operating systems, the importance of a reliable antivirus, security in Wi-Fi networks, passwords, attacks with social intelligence techniques, safe navigation, safe use of cloud tools, teleconferencing and virtual private networks.
The most outstanding feature of the guide is that its recommendations are derived from professionals in the field; keeping a simple guideline that can be applied by people who work in the telework modality and, in general, by any employee who uses technological equipment in his or her daily work.
We believe that this guide contains very important information that can be included in the policies for the use of technological means or even in the Internal Work Regulations.
For the complete guide, please visit the following page:
This bulletin was prepared with the support of Gabriela Guadarrama García.
The members of the Labor area in Basham, Ringe y Correa, S.C. will be available should you need to further comment on the contents of this newsletter.
S I N C E R E L Y,
Jorge De Presno
David Puente
Álvaro González