The firm's aerospace practice specializes in providing services to OEM's, PRIMES, MRO's and Suppliers that directly or indirectly carry out operations in Mexico.
Our specialists have vast experience in providing the following services:
- Incorporation of companies, opening of representative offices and branches, associative and joint venture agreements.
- Installation of Clusters.
- Installation of maintenance and assembly plants.
- Advice on tax, foreign trade and customs matters focused on the aerospace industry.
- Advice on environmental protection matters related to the industry.
- Advice on long-term contracts.
- Advice on Purchase Orders for industry products.
- Advice on design protection and innovation of parts and processes for the aerospace industry.
- Advice on new creations - Patents of Invention, Industrial Designs, Utility Models and Distinctive Signs, Trademarks, Commercial Notices, License Agreements for the use of both new creations and distinctive signs.
- Formalities before the General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics.
- Advice on Mexican Official Standards and TSO's.
- Advice in obtaining the certification of construction, assembly, design and aeronautical construction processes carried out within the national territory whose destination is the United States (BASA).
- Obtaining certificates of approval for production issued by the Ministry of Communications and Transportation.