COFECE initiates an investigation into the distribution and commercialization of scopolamine in Mexico.


Mexico City, May 3, 2023.- The Investigating Authority of the Federal Economic Competition Commission ("COFECE") published on May 2, 2023 the notice of initiation of an ex officio investigation for possible absolute monopolistic practices with file number IO-006-2022, in the market of distribution and commercialization of scopolamine (Hyoscine, Butylscopolamine bromide, Scopolamine butylbromide, Hyoscine butylbromide, N-Butylbromide Scopolamine, Hyoscine butylbromide and related) in the national territory.

In this regard, COFECE noted that scopolamine is an active ingredient used in medicines to treat various conditions, such as motion sickness, nausea, colitis, antispasmodics and local analgesics, among others. COFECE stated that the health sector is a priority for COFECE due to its impact on people's wellbeing and quality of life.

In this investigation, COFECE may request written information, conduct verification visits, as well as summon economic agents that participate or have a relationship with such market to testify. According to the Ley Federal de Competencia Económica ("LFCE"), there is an obligation for the economic agents that are requested and visited to cooperate and submit the requested information to COFECE.

The purpose of the publication of this investigation is to provide any economic agent with an interest in the investigation with the opportunity to cooperate and state what it deems appropriate in relation to the investigated conduct or circumstances that may be contrary to the LFCE. Therefore, any person or company that considers that it has an impact on the market under investigation will have the opportunity to express it before COFECE.

The lawyers of the Antitrust area of the Firm are at your disposal to answer any questions regarding the content of this document.

Partner: Amilcar Peredo

Senior Associate: León Jiménez

Junior Associate: Juan María López Cortina