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Alejandro De Jesús Sánchez Cañas

Criminal litigation



Basham, Ringe & Correa S. C. (Nov. 2005 - present).

Senior associate lawyer of the firm, specialized in advising on criminal matters, human rights and guarantees, litigation, consulting, negotiation, legal compliance, transparency and crime prevention, as well as strategic litigation in human rights matters. Advisor to several national and foreign companies.

Experience in matters related to patrimonial crimes, intellectual property and copyright crimes, environmental crimes, economic and financial criminal law, crimes committed by public servants, I also have experience in corporate criminal liability and anti-corruption practices.

Federal Institute of Access to Public Information and Protection of Personal Data. IFAI. (Oct. 2004 - Nov. 2005).

Intern at the Federal Institute of Access to Public Information, IFAI, collaborating in the General Directorate of Legal Affairs, Secretariat of Agreements and later in the office of Commissioner Dr. Juan Pablo Guerrero Amparán.

Collaboration in the analysis of appeals for review filed by citizens before the Institute in order to issue responses to them, as well as in the preparation of various studies of laws and legal instruments.


Master in Human Rights and Guarantees by the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México and the Universita Degli Studi di Genova obtaining the corresponding degrees through the degree exam presented with the defense of the thesis "Due diligence of companies in Human Rights in Mexico" (2018).

Specialization in Criminal Law, taught by the University of Castilla La Mancha, Toledo, Spain, elaborating the research work: "Valuation of scientific evidence in the oral criminal system, from probability to certainty", with outstanding qualification (2012).

Law Degree from the Universidad Latinoamericana, defending the professional examination with the defense of the thesis: "Proposal for the creation of a National Trust for the reparation of damages in the matter of patrimonial crimes" (2007) Laureate Thesis.

Course Introduction to the National Anticorruption System, organized by the Executive Secretariat of the National Anticorruption System, in conjunction with the Internet Association MX (2019).

Diploma "The New Constitutional Framework on Human Rights and Amparo", organized by the Escuela Libre de Derecho (2012).

Course on "New Criminal System, Oral Trials", given by the Mexican Institute of Oral Trial, Consultancy and Training S.C. (2012).

Course on "Patrimonial Crimes and Oral Trials", given by the Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and the Academia Mexicana de Ciencias Penales (2011).

Course "Legal auditing as a means of preventing sanctions and business crimes" given by the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (2009).

Course "Jornadas de Actualización Jurídica" given by the Instituto Nacional de Estudios Superiores en Derecho Penal (2009).


"Encuentro Compliance México", organized by the World Compliance Association and Escuela Libre de Derecho (2019).

Conference "International Criminal Law Protectionist of Human Rights", organized by the National Human Rights Center of the National Human Rights Commission (2015).

Seminar "Practical Analysis of the Scope of Anti-Money Laundering Regulations in Mexico", organized by the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (2013).

Seminar "Implications of Law in Medicine", organized by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation and the National Academy of Medicine in Mexico (2012).

Jornadas de Actualización Jurisprudencial, "Resoluciones en Derechos Humanos", organized by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (2011).

Anti-Corruption Conference, "Partnering Against Corruption Initiative", organized by the World Economic Forum (2010).

Forum of the ISTMO magazine, under the theme: "Overcoming the crisis in 2010, golden opportunities in a silver world", organized by the Instituto Panamericano de Alta Dirección de Empresa IPADE (2010).

Symposium organized by the National Autonomous University of Mexico on the occasion of the "Two Hundred Years of the Napoleonic Civil Code" (2005).

"Thirtieth Pan American Congress on Procedural Law", organized by the Pan American Institute of Procedural Law in Mexico City (2002).




Member of the Mexican Bar Association.
Advisor to the World Justice Project in Mexico City on the evaluation of the penal system.
Member of the World Compliance Association.
Author of several articles on criminal law and human rights.