Mexico City

Sergio Barajas
(52) (55) 5261 0561

Foreign Trade and Customs


At Basham we have a highly specialized team of lawyers that allows us to handle practically all legal matters related to foreign trade operations, including the specialties of customs law, foreign trade and international law (public and private), as well as the regulatory provisions on export promotion and other administrative facilities in customs and tax matters related to foreign trade, in addition to advice on compliance with the regulatory framework (regulations and non-tariff restrictions) applicable to the introduction or exit of goods from the national territory.

In order to successfully face the large and complex legal requirements that exist in international trade, in our Firm you will find complete legal advice and immediate solutions to all the obstacles that companies face during their import and export operations, because in our team of lawyers we have experts in virtually all legal specialties, which allows us to provide effective comprehensive services according to the needs of a globalized world for the execution and efficiency of any project in our country.

Our services include

  • Advice for the design and implementation of the ideal legal structure to start import and export operations in Mexico.
  • We carry out all types of procedures prior to customs clearance, including advice on the transmission of information to customs authorities, preparation and negotiation of service contracts with customs brokers, obtaining legal representative authorizations and incorporation in the Importers and Exporters Registers (General and Sectorial).
  • Legal consultancy specialized in the following areas:
    • Tariff classification
    • Customs valuation
    • Rules of Origin
    • Interpretation of International Treaties and Agreements
    • Compliance with regulations and non-tariff restrictions
    • Mexican Official Standards and Mexican Standards
    • Unfair foreign trade practices
    • Customs regulations
  • Implementation, evaluation and efficiency of export or production promotion programs in Mexico, designing schemes that allow the company to optimize the benefits established in international trade treaties and agreements, as well as those granted by the Federal, State or Municipal Government (IMMEX, PROSEC, Rule 8, Draw Back, Customs Accounts, among others).
  • Preventive audits in foreign trade and customs matters, including "in situ" verification of tax and customs compliance of the company's import and export operations, including verification of the operations declared and processed before the Integrated Automated Customs System (customs gloss), as well as verification of the legal import, stay and/or possession of foreign merchandise.
  • Attention and advice in the development of inspection acts performed by Federal or State customs authorities, in order to reduce contingencies related to compliance with tax or customs obligations, or otherwise anticipate and prepare the appropriate means of defense to protect the interests of companies against illegal acts of the authorities.
  • Processes of regime changes, rectification and regularization of goods.
  • Specialization in the processing of import and export quotas, authorizations and permits applicable to certain sensitive or developing sectors.
  • Specialized consulting and implementation of foreign trade and customs strategies for the following sectors:
    • Automotive or Auto Parts Terminal Industry
    • Energy Industry
    • Aeronautics and Aerospace Industry
    • Mining Industry
    • Toy Industry
    • Textile, Apparel and Clothing Industry
    • Electrical and Electronics Industry
    • Pharmaceutical Industry
    • Chemical Industry
    • Transportation, Courier and Parcel Industry
    • Food Industry
    • Maquiladora or Manufacturing Industry; Elaboration, Transformation, as well as Repair, Reconditioning and Manufacture (3 R's)
  • Government relations, in order to optimize the customs and foreign trade operations of the different industrial sectors in Mexico.
  • Obtaining certifications to be part of Authorized Economic Operator Programs.
  • Surveillance of compliance with export controls.
  • Attention and follow-up of administrative procedures regarding unfair practices in international trade (antidumping and subsidies).
  • Administrative and jurisdictional litigation in foreign trade matters, including the strategy, preparation, presentation and follow-up of the various means of defense required by the company.