COFECE has initiated an investigation in the retail e-commerce market in Mexico, in order to determine the possible existence of barriers to competition and free market access and/or essential inputs that may generate anti-competitive effects.


Mexico City, March 31st, 2022.


The Federal Economic Competition Commission (“COFECE” for its acronym in Spanish) announced today that it has initiated investigation no. IEBC-001-2022 to determine the possible existence in the retail e-commerce market of barriers to competition and free market access and/or essential inputs that may generate anti-competitive effects in Mexico.

COFECE noted that there are elements which suggest that there are no conditions of effective competition in the retail e-commerce market in Mexico.

During the investigation, COFECE may require economic agents participating or involved in the relevant market to provide documents or information or conduct on-site inspections. In such cases, the Federal Economic Competition Law may compel such economic agents to cooperate with COFECE and provide it with the requested information.

The announcement of the investigation aims to provide any interested economic agents with the opportunity of cooperating and providing any information it deems appropriate with relation to the investigated market.

At the conclusion of the investigation, COFECE may, as appropriate, order the relevant economic agent to remove the barriers that unduly affect the competition process, determine the divestiture of assets, rights or shares thereof, in the proportions necessary to eliminate the anti-competitive effects and issue recommendations to the authorities when there are legal provisions that unduly impede or distort competition and free entry.


The Competition and Antitrust Practice of the firm will be pleased to provide any information regarding the content of this document.


S I N C E R E L Y,


Amilcar Peredo


Fernanda Garza


León Jiménez