Construction of the Mayan Railroad Palenque – Escárcega Section


Mexico City, April 24th, 2020.


On April 23, 2020, the Mexican National Fund to Promote Tourism (FONATUR, for its acronym in Spanish) announced the consortium that was awarded with the contract for the construction of the first section of the Mayan Train project.

As per the referred announcement, the awarded consortium is composed by the following companies:

  1. Mota-Engil Mexico S.A.P.I. de C.V.
  2. China Communication Construction Company Limited.
  3. Eyasa y Gavil Ingeniería, S.A.
  4. Grupo Cosh, S.A. de C.V.

The First section of the Mayan Train comprises 227 Km and will run from Palenque, Chiapas up to Escárgeca, Campeche.

The economic proposal submitted by the awarded consortium for the construction of the first section of the project was of $15,538,133,056.79, which is an estimated of USD $621 million dollars.

As per official communications from FONATUR works are expected to begin this coming April 30, 2020 in strict compliance with all sanitary preventive measures due to the COVID-19

Public tender related to this section comprises the following activities: (i) basic engineer, including cartographic and topographic studies, hydrology studies, civil works projects, among others; (ii) supply of materials; (iii) execution of works such as structures, platforms, roads, drainage systems, maintenance for 5 years.

With this project Mexican President seeks to promote and strengthen the development of the southeast Mexican region since such project would include the Mexican States of Tabasco, Chiapas, Campeche, Yucatán and Quintana Roo.


The lawyers of the energy and infrastructure area as well as the transportation one at firm are available for any questions or comments on the above.



Juan Carlos Serra


Jorge Eduardo Escobedo Montaño


Miguel Figueroa Morgado


Pedro Reynoso Ramín


Ricardo Lan